Better Wyoming grassroots campaign 2024 - 2025

The Strong Wyoming Communities Campaign launched in April with an effort to educate residents about election law changes that would prevent them from voting in the primary of their choice this August. 

The campaign will continue to mobilize voters through the 2024 election season and to organize grassroots power on behalf of policy change during the Wyoming Legislature’s 2025 general session.

Campaign Goals

The Strong Wyoming Communities campaign engages people in the civic processes that shape our lives and the future of our state.

    • Educate and mobilize members of Better Wyoming’s community to vote in BOTH elections in 2024, all the way “down the ballot” in state and local races
    • Build our statewide grassroots base of support
    • Train and empower volunteers to become community leaders
    • Convince Wyoming lawmakers to pass policies that benefit our lives in 2025


Crossover cutoff (April - May 2024)

Better Wyoming staff and volunteers called thousands of Wyoming voters to inform them 

about the “crossover voting” ban that could prevent them from voting in the primary of their choice in 2024.

Meet your candidates + Voter empowerment (June - Nov. 2024)

Volunteers host “friend-banks” to ask people they know to commit to vote for a Better Wyoming, which builds our base of support and increases voter turnout.

Meanwhile, Better Wyoming organizes sit-downs between legislative candidates and voters in the districts they hope to represent to talk about findings from our 2024 healthcare campaign.

What’s the issue? + Building our base (July - Oct. 2024)

We will use digital surveys, door-to-door canvassing, and in-person “community conversation” events to engage new volunteers and learn which issues are most important to them.

Listen up, legislators! (Oct. 2024 - Jan. 2025)

Once we have grown our base of support and identified which issues we want to address, our Better Wyoming movement will use in-person meetings with legislators, public events, media, and other tactics to leverage our grassroots power and convince lawmakers to pass policies that help our communities.

To the capitol! (Jan. - March 2025)

Volunteers and organizers will coordinate with partners and lobbyists at the Wyoming Capitol to talk to lawmakers during the 2025 session, host public events, and convince the Legislature to pass our policy demands.

Chip in now to help ensure build Strong Wyoming Communities

Campaign Updates

Why wait for mailers? Better Wyoming’s campaign to meet candidates where they’re at—BEFORE the election

August 8, 2024

Better Wyoming volunteers have been meeting with candidates before the election, and educating them on the healthcare needs of Wyomingites before they ever get into office.

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Who the *&%# do I vote for?!!

July 31, 2024

Knowing who to vote for in the upcoming elections can be hard. Thankfully there are a few helpful voter guides that can help you make the right choice when casting your ballot.

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Stop doom-scrolling Zillow and VOTE

July 18, 2024

We’ve all noticed housing becoming less and less affordable. And it’s not just house prices: rent is going up, too. But what can be done?

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