We're building

Hardworking Wyomingites are tired of politicians hell-bent on creating conflict.

We want solutions to our state’s real problems and opportunities to build a future for our families and communities — That’s why we’re working to educate, organize, and mobilize folks on behalf of statewide change.

It’s up to us to build a better Wyoming.

What makes a better Wyoming

100 People applauding to a public speech given outdoors

Strong communities


Engaged citizens and a responsive government

A Grandfather with his grandson in the carpentry workshop teaching the grandson carpentry skills

Opportunities to build a brighter future


Thousands of your Wyoming neighbors will go to the polls this summer & fall. Join them to pick the lawmakers who will decide our state's future!

Campaign Updates

Stop doom-scrolling Zillow and VOTE

July 18, 2024

We’ve all noticed housing becoming less and less affordable. And it’s not just house prices: rent is going up, too. But what can be done?

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The best remedy for Wyoming’s healthcare problems? VOTING.

July 17, 2024

Our healthcare system is sick. It needs some strong medicine, and it needs it now. Fortunately, we have just about the strongest prescription out there: VOTING.

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What are Friend-Banks?

July 15, 2024

Better Wyoming volunteers have been hosting ‘friend-banks’ across the state. These gatherings aim to mobilize voters through small social events, where participants encourage their friends and family to commit to voting in the upcoming elections.

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Together, we can build a Better Wyoming

Latest News

SESSION RECAP: A school “voucher” program is unconstitutional in Wyoming. The Legislature created one anyway.

April 18, 2024

The Wyoming Constitution is stricter than other states’ when it comes to education funding and prohibits giving public funds to private or religious schools or individuals. The Legislature ignored these provisions in creating the new program, while Gov. Gordon slightly reined it in with a line-item veto.

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Session recap: Harrison Ford and other needy Wyoming seniors receive property tax relief

April 12, 2024

Wyoming legislators wanted to give property tax relief to seniors on fixed incomes, but gray-haired lawmakers couldn’t help giving a bit of relief to themselves—despite the Baby Boomer generation being the richest in history.
Fortunately, other successful property tax proposals this session were more thought-out.

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SESSION RECAP: Vetoed abortion bill provides a preview for fights to come

April 6, 2024

With multiple bans already in place but tied up in the courts, the Wyoming Legislature’s attempt to criminalize abortion this year was at once an attempt at a back up plan in the likely event that the state Supreme Court rules in favor of abortion access, and at the same time and admission that the procedure is, in fact, healthcare.

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The Community Compass

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