Who the *&%# do I vote for?!!

They say voting is easy. But figuring out who to vote for in local primary elections can be … overwhelming, to say the least. 

Sometimes it’s a no brainer—like when you recognize a friend or neighbor you know from way-back-when running for local office. 

But other times, that decision can be hard when you don’t know Joe Schmoe from Jane Doe on the ballot. 

With so many candidates dodging debates and public forums, or misleading fliers going around, it sometimes seems easier to just not vote for anyone. Yet, the choices we make in these elections shape the decisions and policies that directly impact our families and communities.

Thankfully, there are some great resources that you can use to help ease your mind as you go into the voting booth on August 20th, or when casting your ballot early until then.
Here are some of the best:

  • WyoFiles Voter Education Guide is an awesome tool that covers those running for the federal and state legislatures. All of the candidates were asked to fill out a Q&A section, and you can view all of their responses there.

  • For local elections, Vote 411 has you covered. Just make sure that you scroll down to “Personalized Voting Information” and fill out that section to get the scoop of who is running in your local elections. With this tool, you can directly compare candidates' answers and even save your choices for when you show up to the poll on election day.

  • Finally, if you need to know more information on what district or ward that you are in, want to see a sample ballot, or simply have any other questions, your local county clerks office is a great resource for anything that you may need.

Every vote counts, and being informed is the best way to ensure your voice is heard. 

By using these resources, you can make educated choices that align with your values and priorities. Take an active role in shaping our community and make sure every seat is filled by someone who represents your best interests. 

Happy voting!