picture of a classroom with a caption wy vote: Education

Raise your hand if you’ll vote to protect public education

Pop quiz (don’t worry, it’s a really easy one): 

How do your state legislators impact public education in Wyoming?

  • A: They decide on public education funding.
  • B: They can ban entire programs at our university, diminishing its national standing and respectability.
  • C: They can target a small group of schoolchildren to vilify, stigmatize, and publicly bully.
  • D: All of the above

If you were watching the last legislative session, you know that the answer here is Option D. Your legislators have an enormous impact on education. This means that the best way to protect Wyoming’s future is by voting for legislators who will protect our public schools. 

But legislators aren’t the only folks who can protect our freedom to access quality education. Your local school board is one of the most important votes you’ll cast. 

You school board members, called trustees, will decide on what teachers are free to teach, whether hard-working educators are paid fairly, and whether all students are welcomed at schools or not. Recently, trustees across the state have tried to ban books and use extremist rhetoric to target LGBTQ students. 

Voting for trustees and legislators that value public education is important...not just for schools, but for your community’s freedom.