Stop doom-scrolling Zillow and VOTE

Here’s a conversation that might sound familiar to you:

Cowpoke A: Did you see that the little 2-bed 1-bath down the trail is for sale?

Cowpoke B: Sure as shootin’. But did you see the price on that thing?

Cowpoke A: Costs more than a herd of heifers!

Cowpoke B: I’ve been saving since I was knee-high to a cricket. I can’t afford that, though.

Cowpoke A: Prices these days.... I’ll be hanged and tossed for coyote kibble.

Well, maybe not. But the point is: We’ve all noticed housing becoming less and less affordable. And it’s not just the cost of buying a home—rent is going up, too. Both of these factors drive up property taxes.

But what can be done? We hear about it, we talk about, we read about it. We scroll in dismay through Zillow, just trying to blunt the sticker shock. But what can we do about it? 

WE CAN VOTE. Here are the races you should pay special attention to, and why:

  • CITY COUNCILORS: Our local councils do a lot. They can buy land and offer affordable housing where it’s needed most. They also write the ordinances to protect (or not!) renters’ rights. On top of this, they decide what standard of living those rental units have to meet.
  • COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Your county commission will decide where new housing can be built outside city limits. They can also allocate funds to nonprofits that work on housing relief, and they can send your tax revenue to important housing programs.
  • STATE LEGISLATORS: Your state senators and representatives make many key housing decisions. They set property taxes and control property tax relief programs. They also decide on renter protections and support (or don’t!) affordable housing programs. 

So rustle up some info on your council, commission, and legislative candidates. Ask them: what will you do about Wyoming’s housing crisis? Because this issue isn’t going away unless we grab the bull by the horns and make things better.