
Session recap: Legislature falls flat confronting Wyo’s mental health and suicide crises

Lawmakers acknowledged in 2023 the problems of Wyoming’s crushing suicide rate (including teen suicide) and lack of basic mental healthcare access for rural communities and uninsured people. But resistance by the Freedom Caucus to any form of government program whatsoever helped defeat several proposals that could have saved lives.

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Session recap: WTF is going on with abortion in Wyoming?

The Legislature ditched the “trigger ban” it passed in 2022 in favor of two new bans—all of which are or will be tied up in court. Abortion remains legal until a ruling comes down from the Wyoming Supreme Court about whether abortion is “healthcare” protected by the state constitution. Meanwhile, the governor and others increasingly believe the issue will be decided eventually at the ballot.

Session recap: WTF is going on with abortion in Wyoming? Read More »

The winding road to Wyoming’s biggest healthcare access win in a decade

A bill to extend Medicaid coverage for uninsured new Wyoming moms faced opposition from the so-called “Freedom Caucus,” legislative leaders, and the Wyoming State GOP. But a coalition of healthcare access advocates and pro-life lawmakers pushed “Medicaid for Moms” all the way to the governor’s desk.

The winding road to Wyoming’s biggest healthcare access win in a decade Read More »

Will the Wyo. “Freedom Caucus” kill health coverage for new moms?

A bill to stop the rollback of Wyoming Medicaid coverage for uninsured new moms has broad support. Advocates for HB-4 say it will ensure the health and well-being of both mothers and their babies. But Freedom Caucus member Rep. Chip Neiman, who as House Majority Floor Leader can unilaterally kill any bill he wants, might not let it see the light of day.

Will the Wyo. “Freedom Caucus” kill health coverage for new moms? Read More »

A brief history of failed “Wyoming solutions” to our state’s healthcare problems

For more than a decade, Wyoming lawmakers have insisted that, instead of expanding Medicaid, we should find a state-based approach to fixing our broken healthcare system. And for a decade, they have failed to come up with any such thing, just like every other state before them that eventually adopted the program.

A brief history of failed “Wyoming solutions” to our state’s healthcare problems Read More »

Does Governor Gordon really care about mental health?

The governor convened a recent conference about Wyoming’s mental health crisis. But, at the same time, he says he opposes Medicaid expansion, which rural states across the U.S.—including every single one of our neighbors—have used to bring about actual solutions to their mental health challenges. If he really cares about Wyoming’s mental health crisis, why does he oppose a proven solution?

Does Governor Gordon really care about mental health? Read More »

Post-“Roe” Wyo: The upcoming fight for abortion rights

Abortion remains temporarily legal in Wyoming as challenges to the Legislature’s 2022 “trigger ban” play out in court. If state judges ultimately decide that the ban is unconstitutional—a pretty likely outcome—the fight will move back to the Legislature and then, potentially, to a vote in 2024.

The 2022 general election this fall will play a large role in shaping these events, and in any case pro-choice advocates will need to organize to win.

Overturning Roe v. Wade did not end abortion rights in Wyoming. In fact, it was just the beginning.

Post-“Roe” Wyo: The upcoming fight for abortion rights Read More »