
The silver lining of Wyoming’s new voter ID law: A path to online registration

Wyoming’s new voter ID law will suppress turnout, as similar laws have in other states. But by forcing Wyoming residents to show IDs at the polls, the new law also eliminates the main argument against Wyoming adopting online voter registration, which increases youth voter turnout.

The silver lining of Wyoming’s new voter ID law: A path to online registration Read More »

Registering to vote at the polls in Wyoming is great … until it’s not

The main way to register to vote in Wyoming is at the polls. But a huge portion of the state’s electorate is avoiding the polls altogether during COVID-19. As the state’s aggressive voter purge laws disenrolled massive numbers of Wyoming voters, we’re left to wonder whether our registration laws need an update.

Registering to vote at the polls in Wyoming is great … until it’s not Read More »