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Clean power supporters convince Wyoming land board to approve wind energy lease

February 12, 2021

Energy workers, ranchers, and young people united to support a proposed Albany County wind farm, which wealthy local homeowners oppose. The state land board’s lease approval moves the project one step forward. But obstacles remain.

Elderly, disabled, suffering: Proposed Wyoming healthcare cuts will hurt struggling people across the state

February 9, 2021

Wyoming lawmakers have “trimmed the fat” at the state Department of Health for years, including a $100 million budget reduction in 2016. Now, a new round of cuts will hit bone, eliminating critical services for our state’s most vulnerable residents and canceling programs that will cost the state more in the long run.

Wyoming school districts clap back at proposed education budget cuts

January 28, 2021

School districts across Wyoming told lawmakers that proposed budget cuts would eliminate hundreds of jobs and prevent them from delivering quality, equitable education as required by law. The Legislature is going forward with the cuts anyway.

A user’s guide to the bizarre, online 2021 Wyoming legislative session

January 15, 2021

This year’s online legislative session provides unprecedented access for Wyoming residents to watch and participate. Find out what’s going on next week and how you can take part (virtually!) in the legislative process.

NIMBY landowner campaign inflames anti-renewables attitudes to block Wyoming wind development

January 13, 2021

A proposed wind farm would bring tens of millions of dollars in revenue for Albany County and Wyoming schools, along with good jobs. But hilltop landowners worried about their backyard views have launched a campaign to stop it, trafficking in Wyomingites’ anxieties about the global transition to carbon-free energy.

Healthcare access grows harder for thousands of newly uninsured Wyomingites

December 16, 2020

Roughly 6,000 people have lost their health insurance in Wyoming during the COVID-19 pandemic. But state lawmakers continue to block federal funds that would cover insurance costs for low-income residents, while they gut state Department of Health funding for community health services.

Screw the schools, screw the youth: Wyoming lawmakers refuse tax proposals to fund education (and everything else)

December 4, 2020

Wyoming’s population is shrinking and aging, and the Good Ol’ Boys in the Legislature staunchly oppose new taxes. But younger generations who would like to build their lives here are starting to speak up against budget cuts that would cripple the state’s education system and economy.

Wyoming lawmakers’ plan to import drugs from Canada won’t lower prescription costs

September 27, 2020

Working families and seniors across Wyoming are feeling the pinch of paying for steadily increasing drug costs. But the Legislature’s plan to import drugs from Canada won’t help.

Registering to vote at the polls in Wyoming is great … until it’s not

September 2, 2020

The main way to register to vote in Wyoming is at the polls. But a huge portion of the state’s electorate is avoiding the polls altogether during COVID-19. As the state’s aggressive voter purge laws disenrolled massive numbers of Wyoming voters, we’re left to wonder whether our registration laws need an update.

Wyoming lawmakers try to “recalibrate” school funding while the whole system collapses around us

August 12, 2020

The ho-hum, business-as-usual “recalibration” process to determine proper state education funding levels looks absurd in the face of a $500 million budget catastrophe.

FIVE FACTS: Wyoming embraces mail-in voting (sort of)

July 26, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted Wyoming Secretary of State Ed Buchanan to send applications for absentee ballots to all registered Wyoming voters. County clerks across the state have received record requests, moving Wyoming in a direction toward mail-in voting that’s already widely embraced across the West.

Wyoming needs a strong healthcare system to help diversify its economy. It doesn’t have one.

July 8, 2020

Quality hospitals and healthcare will be critical to attracting new businesses and developing new industries in Wyoming, particularly in rural areas. But Wyoming’s healthcare system is struggling, which will make the difficult task of diversifying our economy even harder.

Wyoming takes meek steps to increase mail-in voting in 2020. It should be doing more.

June 10, 2020

Vote-by-mail has been proven to dramatically increase voter turnout in our neighbors like Utah, Colorado, and Nebraska. Wyoming state leaders have hinted at an interest in expanding our mail-in program, but they are mostly dragging their feet.

Wyoming faces the biggest financial crisis in its modern history. Lawmakers respond by doing nothing.

June 4, 2020

The Legislature’s Revenue Committee has one job: to develop proposals that allow Wyoming to adequately fund its public services and infrastructure. Now that fossil fuel mining taxes are going away, the committee has failed at its single job again and again and again.

Guys in an oilfield

COVID-19 prompts Wyoming lawmakers to reconsider Medicaid expansion

May 20, 2020

Unemployed workers losing their healthcare, rural hospitals losing revenue, and an uncertain future for Wyoming’s economy have the Legislature taking another look at its decision to refuse federal Medicaid funding.