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Young conservatives led the most successful push in Wyoming’s history to end capital punishment — 2019 Legislative recap

March 14, 2019

Capital punishment is expensive, violates the sanctity of life, gives government too much power, and has grave consequences when it’s misapplied. For these and other reasons—put forth mainly by young conservatives—the Wyoming Legislature came very close to ending the death penalty this year.

Wyoming Legislature rejects all Medicaid-related bills, good, bad, and otherwise — 2019 Legislative recap

March 13, 2019

Proposals to expand Medicaid, to study Medicaid expansion, and to impose work requirements on Medicaid recipients all died this session.

A new Wyoming law terminating parental rights of rapists is flawed to the point of being nearly pointless – 2019 Legislative recap

March 11, 2019

Rape is common. Convictions for rape are exceedingly rare. But under Wyoming’s new law, a rapist must have been formally convicted of sexual assault before a civil court can take away his legal right to be daddy.

Citizen lobbyists push for commonsense cannabis reform at the Wyoming Legislature

March 6, 2019

A dozen or so people braved the elements one snowy day during the 2019 session to support a hemp bill and educate legislators about the benefits of medical cannabis.

Bebout’s tax break for oil companies dies an 11th-hour quiet death

March 1, 2019

On an absurdly late final night of the 2019 session, Bebout went home before the House and Senate could hash out disagreements over his proposed oil tax break. In Bebout’s absence, the bill sputtered and died.

Farmers, pain patients, and Wyoming’s economy will benefit from our new hemp law

February 28, 2019

A bill to legalize hemp survived a last-ditch attack from law enforcement lobbyists and a temporary threat to its funding before it passed its final hurdles in the Legislature this week.

Wyoming House rejects Medicaid work requirements

February 27, 2019

Opponents of the bill agreed that encouraging people to work is a good thing. But threatening to take away their healthcare isn’t the right way to do it.

A message to Wyoming State Senator Lynn Hutchings from PFLAG (VIDEO)

February 26, 2019

The things we say to children can have deep, lasting, and sometimes harmful impacts. PFLAG – Laramie President Lorinda Lindley calls on Wyoming State Senator Lynn Hutchings to realize this, and to issue an apology to the students she dehumanized.

Abortion reporting bill passes Senate, awaits Gov. Gordon’s signature

February 26, 2019

Under the proposed new law, Wyoming doctors who fail to report detailed information about abortions and the women who receive them could face $25,000 fines and the loss of their medical licenses.

Wyoming Senate guts funding from a tax rebate program for elderly and disabled poor folks

February 25, 2019

Tens of thousands of people depended on the rebates prior to the Legislature’s ending the program in 2016. An effort to bring it back fizzled. Less than 15 percent of its funding will be restored.

Medicaid work requirements bill faces an uncertain future in the Wyoming House

February 23, 2019

The bill squeaked by an initial vote on Friday. But, right now, it lacks enough support to pass its upcoming final vote on Tuesday. Lobbyists and lawmakers are working feverishly to determine its fate.

For the fourth time, a bill to ban “crossover voting” in Wyoming primary elections has died. Will it stay dead?

February 21, 2019

No one should be shocked if the bill, which would ban political party switching at the polls in Wyoming, rises again.

The last anti-choice bill of the 2019 Legislative session advances to the Wyoming Senate

February 21, 2019

The bill would impose penalties on doctors who fail to report detailed information about abortions and the women who receive them. The three other anti-choice bills brought this session are dead.

Senate committee de-funds hemp bill, making it useless

February 20, 2019

The Senate Appropriations Committee removed necessary funding for the bill that would have made Wyoming’s hemp industry USDA-compliant. Now, the future of a once-promising industry looks bleak.

Wyoming Senate committee praises “big box” corporate income tax proposal … and then kills it

February 20, 2019

Three members of the five-person committee spoke positively about the bill. But so much opposition had built up against it in the Senate, the committee chairman decided it wasn’t even worth a vote.