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Session recap: Wyoming hasn’t seen the last of pipeline protest bills like SF-74

April 3, 2018

The bill vetoed by Gov. Matt Mead that would have punished protesters like those at Standing Rock with imprisonment and absurd fines was a small part of a much larger fight. It’s likely to be back in some form soon.

Session recap: Criminal justice reform makes progress

March 28, 2018

After years of failed measures to decrease Wyoming’s prison population and otherwise improve the system, 2018 saw several positive bills pass.

House upholds Mead’s veto of pipeline protest bill, killing it for good (until next year)

March 15, 2018

The Legislature needed a two-thirds vote from each chamber to override Mead’s veto. The Senate mustered the votes, but the House did not.

House amendments might scuttle a consensus vote on pipeline protest bill

March 9, 2018

The Senate left the bill much as ALEC wrote it. But amendments in the House to address free speech and landowner concerns imight make it difficult to reconcile the two versions before the 2018 session closes.

Rumors of a budget deal suggest no deep cuts to public schools this year

March 8, 2018

This session that saw threats of public school funding cuts as large as $80 million a year. But as a final deal nears, only a small fraction of those cuts remain, which education advocates are scoring as a win.

Debate continues over controversial pipeline protest bill

March 8, 2018

The saga of Senate File 74 is not over yet. The controversial ALEC-written bill to severely punish pipeline protestors like […]

Education advocates reluctantly root for the lesser evil in the Senate

March 8, 2018

The Senate is considering a bill that would cut roughly $15 million a year from Wyoming public schools—but it’s far better than the Senate budget proposal, which would annually cut about $80 million.

Medicaid work requirements bill, aimed at Wyoming’s “poorest of the poor,” dies in House committee

March 7, 2018

Sen. Larry Hicks, the bill’s sponsor, said obtaining social services “is not a destination, but a journey.”

Wyoming GOP committeeman Charles Curley under fire for allegedly assaulting female colleague

March 6, 2018

The alleged assault took place after the Laramie County Republican’s Lincoln Day Dinner nearly two weeks ago. Despite being widely witnessed and discussed, the GOP has kept quiet about the incident and Curley has refused to resign.

Oil lobbyists force House committee to re-vote on pipeline protest bill

March 6, 2018

Even in a state where it’s common for lawmakers to roll over and beg for the oil and gas industry, this demonstration of submissiveness by Wyoming’s “leaders” was deeply disturbing.

House Revenue Committee kills oil and gas tax break

March 5, 2018

The proposal was sponsored by Eli Bebout, who’s the president of both the Wyoming State Senate and Nucor Oil and Gas, LLC.

Senate works to nab pot brownie dealers before they strike again

March 2, 2018

The Senate is diligently working to confront a dangerous threat to Wyoming.

While the Senate looks to slash education, a House proposal would modernize revenue streams to put less toward savings and more toward schools

March 2, 2018

The two chambers will meet next week to negotiate a solution. At stake is whether Wyoming will take a more modern approach that saves public schools, or whether it will stubbornly keep pouring money into savings and decimate education.

Senate passes oil and gas tax break while Wyoming faces a budget crisis

March 1, 2018

The Senate’s cuts to education are apparently their way of paying for tax breaks for oil and gas companies.

The Legislature’s education funding debate is on track for public school disaster

February 28, 2018

Conflicting egos, draconian cuts, and a staunch refusal to raise new revenues spell disaster for Wyoming education.