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After Wyoming’s neighbors expand Medicaid at the ballot box, state Senate suddenly decides to “study” the issue
Sen. Charles Scott, who has led the fight against Medicaid expansion in Wyoming for years, is sponsoring the measure to provide “up-to-date” information.
House committee approves bill to legalize CBD and spur Wyoming hemp farming
A 9-0 committee vote gives the bill momentum as it moves to the full House for debate. But questions remain whether the Legislature is ready to accept CBD and whether it will provide funding for hemp farming infrastructure.
Bill to ban “crossover voting” is brought back to life, demonstrating the Legislature’s shady tactics
The primary voting bill died—again. But the situation showed how back-door pressure, sketchy committee switches, and other behind-closed-doors moves shape what’s supposed to be a public process.
Senate committee shoots down bill to ban gun-free zones at Wyoming schools and other public places
Former gun lobbyist Sen. Anthony Bouchard and his co-sponsors were the only people who spoke in favor of the bill.
Freshman Wyoming state legislator calls his anti-abortion bill “a gift” to pregnant women
Rep. Richard Tass said a mandatory 48-hour waiting period would give women the chance to reconsider, since having an abortion is not like buying a sports jacket that doesn’t fit.
Wyoming Republican leadership wanted closed primaries. The rank-and-file said ‘no thanks’
A bill to ban party-switching at the polls died in an all-Republican Senate committee who said they’d heard strong opposition from their constituents.
House committee votes to remove standardized test scores from Wyoming teacher evaluations
The practice of judging teachers by their students’ standardized test scores has been criticized since it was adopted in Wyoming prior to the federal No Child Left Behind Act.
Foster Friess’ pet private school bill moves forward
Senators shrugged off concerns over local control and potential lawsuits to further special legislation on behalf of the billionaire’s private religious academy.
Law enforcement lobbyists convince House committee to kill CBD bill
CBD oil is essentially harmless. But fear-mongering law enforcement officials convinced legislators that “harmless” is still too dangerous for Wyoming adults.
Here come the abortion bills
Two bills threatening Wyoming women’s reproductive rights are moving through the state legislature. Many more are expected to come.
Profile of a hard-working Wyoming woman barely getting by — STATE OF INSECURITY
Meet Amanda. She’s a typical low-wage worker in Wyoming. Like tens of thousands of others she’s doing her best with a crummy hand made worse by the Wyoming State Legislature.
As the Wyoming Legislature convenes, Foster Friess’ influence is everywhere
The billionaire and gubernatorial loser has brought two bills, created a new media outlet, and recruited lobbyists to support his causes.
Better Wyoming launches advocacy campaigns for the 2019 State Legislative session
Our new grassroots organizing staff will recruit volunteers to focus on public school funding, commonsense cannabis reform, and LGBTQ nondiscrimination
A brief history of the Wyoming Legislature’s not raising the minimum wage — STATE OF INSECURITY
An economist, a small business owner, and a waitress—all serving in the Wyoming Legislature—have been lonesome voices advocating for a higher minimum wage.
Want to improve Wyoming’s economy? Raise the minimum wage — STATE OF INSECURITY
Tens of thousands of Wyoming workers earn poverty wages or less. More money for them would mean more for their local economies, plus a decreased need for welfare and, of course, better lives.