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Ex Wyo Liberty Group staffer “disgusted” by Susan Gore’s spying scheme

June 29, 2021

Political economist Sven Larson worked 10 years for Gore’s Wyoming Liberty Group. In a new statement, he condemns Gore’s plot and states she has “wiped out whatever credibility she had.”

Right-wing spies target Better Wyoming

June 25, 2021

Political spies with ties to the Wyoming Liberty Group, Project Veritas, and Blackwater founder Erik Prince targeted Better Wyoming as part of a yearlong operation to gather intel and make secret recordings to weaponize against the organization.

Wyoming lawmakers eye funding options for Medicaid upgrade

May 8, 2021

The Legislature’s Joint Revenue Committee will take up Medicaid expansion this week, with a focus on translating some of the $1.4 billion Wyoming will receive from the American Rescue Plan into sustainable healthcare funding for low-income residents.

Public health cuts hit communities across Wyoming

April 30, 2021

The Legislature cut more than $100 million from the Wyoming Department of Health’s budget this session, including tens of millions from mental health and substance abuse programs while the state is experiencing a suicide crisis.

The silver lining of Wyoming’s new voter ID law: A path to online registration

April 23, 2021

Wyoming’s new voter ID law will suppress turnout, as similar laws have in other states. But by forcing Wyoming residents to show IDs at the polls, the new law also eliminates the main argument against Wyoming adopting online voter registration, which increases youth voter turnout.

Wyo Senate scuttles education funding bill, sparing school cuts

April 10, 2021

In a last-day legislative surprise, lawmakers from the Wyoming House and Senate failed to agree on the details of a bill that would have dramatically cut public education funding. As a result of legislators’ failure to govern, K-12 schools will be spared budget cuts for now. But the structural problem of our education funding model remains.

Wyo Legislature looks to end fifth straight session with deep education cuts

April 6, 2021

The House and Senate have come up with two different versions of an education funding bill: One that cuts public school budgets, and another that cuts them even more. Lawmakers will end the session tomorrow debating which version will prevail.

A single vote stops Wyo. Medicaid expansion, but a movement grows

April 2, 2021

Two identical bills to update Wyoming’s Medicaid program came before the same Senate committee this session. A senator who supported the first bill flipped and killed the second. But not before a movement coalesced that will continue to fight for affordable healthcare access in Wyoming.

Wyoming’s “budget crisis” is fake

March 27, 2021

Even as fossil fuel tax revenues plummet, Wyoming remains a rich state with no urgent reason to cut public services from struggling and vulnerable people. It also just received more than a billion dollars in federal aid. Why then, are Wyoming lawmakers eager to cut public funding? Because they want to.

Far-right full-court press fails to stop Wyo Medicaid bill’s advance

March 24, 2021

Members of the “Freedom Caucus” mounted a vigorous attempt to stop a bill to extend Wyoming Medicaid coverage to low-income residents on Wednesday, comparing poor people to livestock and simply denying any problem exists. But they failed, and for the first time ever, a Medicaid expansion bill passed the Wyoming House.

Dollars and care: Wyoming House gives initial approval to Medicaid upgrade

March 23, 2021

Many lawmakers explained that they had opposed similar measures in the past. But Wyoming has failed to find an alternative solution, the federal government is offering more funding, and tens of thousands of people in the state still lack access to healthcare. So this year is different.

Second Medicaid update bill clears Wyoming Legislative committee

March 19, 2021

Two separate bills to extend insurance coverage to tens of thousands of Wyomingites have advanced thanks to public support and increased federal funding.

Minerals committee hijacks bill to help Wyoming transition from fossil fuels

March 17, 2021

The proposal would have created an independent task force to explore how Wyoming workers and communities can persevere through the global transition away from fossil fuels. Instead, the Legislature’s House Minerals Committee—which works hand-in-hand with industry—amended the bill to put the “transition” task force under its own control.

Abortion pill ban is part of suite of anti-choice bills before the Wyoming Legislature

March 16, 2021

A proposal to ban medical abortion would effectively end Wyoming women’s ability to terminate pregnancy in the state. Similar laws passed in other states have all been found unconstitutional.

Patients’ stories propel cannabis bill past Wyoming House committee

March 15, 2021

Personal liberty, access to treatment, and the high cost of locking up users all helped motivate Wyoming lawmakers to advance a bill that would fully legalize cannabis in the state.