Wyoming faces the biggest financial crisis in its modern history. Lawmakers respond by doing nothing.

The Legislature’s Revenue Committee has one job: to develop proposals that allow Wyoming to adequately fund its public services and infrastructure. Now that fossil fuel mining taxes are going away, the committee has failed at its single job again and again and again.

Wyoming faces the biggest financial crisis in its modern history. Lawmakers respond by doing nothing. Read More »

Wyoming House advances last surviving abortion bill of the budget session

The bill would criminalize doctors who fail to perform life-saving measures for infants meant to be aborted but that are accidentally “born alive”—a law that would rarely, if ever, be applied in Wyoming, since abortions after 12 weeks are illegal here and fetuses are not viable until at least 20 – 23 weeks. Two other anti-abortion bills have been defeated.

Wyoming House advances last surviving abortion bill of the budget session Read More »