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Freedom Caucus bill would prosecute Wyoming librarians as child pornographers

January 28, 2023

The bill would remove protections for librarians against overzealous government censorship, opening them up to prosecution for child pornography and obscenity. Fortunately, some in Wyoming are fighting back against banning books and demonizing librarians.

Will the Wyo. “Freedom Caucus” kill health coverage for new moms?

January 26, 2023

A bill to stop the rollback of Wyoming Medicaid coverage for uninsured new moms has broad support. Advocates for HB-4 say it will ensure the health and well-being of both mothers and their babies. But Freedom Caucus member Rep. Chip Neiman, who as House Majority Floor Leader can unilaterally kill any bill he wants, might not let it see the light of day.

Wyo. lawmakers propose first batch of post-Roe abortion laws

January 20, 2023

Two bills would follow last year’s “trigger ban” to further restrict reproductive rights, while a third would return Wyoming to its pre-2022 status quo.

Wyoming students perform among the best in the nation. Will radical lawmakers ruin that?

January 14, 2023

National standardized tests show Wyoming fourth graders rank #1 nationwide in math, and our students perform far above average across subjects and grade levels. But the Wyoming Legislature, taken over by the far-right Freedom Caucus, is intent on cutting public teacher pay and promoting private religious schools. Will they wreck our K-12 system?

Want to slow Wyo’s boom-and-bust cycle? Tax Jackson.

January 5, 2023

Diversifying Wyoming’s economy will require diversifying its tax base. While raising taxes on average residents is a political non-starter, a new report shows Wyoming can significantly broaden its tax base by focusing on luxury real estate and the ultra-rich.

What will Wyo lawmakers do with an extra $3 billion this year?

December 16, 2022

Last year, facing a supposed “budget crisis,” the Legislature and Gov. Gordon cut hundreds of millions of dollars in state funding, eliminated hundreds of jobs, and refused cost-of-living raises for teachers during record inflation. Now that the oil and gas industry is booming and tax revenues have soared, the state has a $3 billion surplus. What will they do with it during the 2023 session that starts next week?

A brief history of failed “Wyoming solutions” to our state’s healthcare problems

December 8, 2022

For more than a decade, Wyoming lawmakers have insisted that, instead of expanding Medicaid, we should find a state-based approach to fixing our broken healthcare system. And for a decade, they have failed to come up with any such thing, just like every other state before them that eventually adopted the program.

Does Governor Gordon really care about mental health?

November 10, 2022

The governor convened a recent conference about Wyoming’s mental health crisis. But, at the same time, he says he opposes Medicaid expansion, which rural states across the U.S.—including every single one of our neighbors—have used to bring about actual solutions to their mental health challenges. If he really cares about Wyoming’s mental health crisis, why does he oppose a proven solution?

Education takes a backseat to “hot button” social issues in Wyo. school board races

October 14, 2022

Instead of focusing on teacher retention, balanced budgets, student mental health, and other less dramatic—yet critical—school district subjects, candidates across the state this year come straight out of protest groups focused on banning books and outlawing mask mandates.

Local Wyoming elections have climate impacts

September 30, 2022

Climate change is a global problem, but many of the decisions and actions to help fight it are local. As Wyoming voters head to the polls this fall, keep in mind that city, county, and state officials impact our climate resilience.

Post-“Roe” Wyo: The upcoming fight for abortion rights

September 14, 2022

Abortion remains temporarily legal in Wyoming as challenges to the Legislature’s 2022 “trigger ban” play out in court. If state judges ultimately decide that the ban is unconstitutional—a pretty likely outcome—the fight will move back to the Legislature and then, potentially, to a vote in 2024.

The 2022 general election this fall will play a large role in shaping these events, and in any case pro-choice advocates will need to organize to win.

Overturning Roe v. Wade did not end abortion rights in Wyoming. In fact, it was just the beginning.

GOP Medicaid expansion supporters defeat primary challengers

August 18, 2022

Many GOP lawmakers have wrung their hands and worried that doing what they know is right—supporting Medicaid expansion—would cost them at the polls. But overwhelmingly, GOP incumbents who backed Medicaid expansion won on Tuesday, dispelling those fears.

DERAILED: Everything you need to vote smart in the 2022 Wyoming primaries (Part 4)

August 4, 2022

Our “DERAILED” series explained why you should vote in the 2022 Wyoming primary elections. Now we tell you how. Find your new voting districts, polling place, and learn how to research your candidates to cast a smart ballot this August.

DERAILED: Special interest groups count on low turnout to influence Wyo. primaries (Part 3)

July 29, 2022

Many groups with narrow agendas target the primary elections in order to flip seats in the Wyoming Legislature, and they depend on low turnout to succeed.

The more Wyomingites vote in the elections that count, the less influence special interest groups will have over our state.

DERAILED: No matter what you learned in school, Wyoming Election Day is not in November (part 2)

July 22, 2022

Despite what we learn in school, Wyoming’s real Election Day is in August.

All six races for statewide and Congressional seats in 2022 will be decided by then, along with all but a handful of Legislative and county-level contests.

If you’re waiting until November to cast a ballot, you’re missing the chance to make your vote count.